Vly Skywalker

The Nature of the Beast: What you call evil is merely the excessive re-running of an attention elicitment program called "love". Pavlovian Perverts (you human beings) are addicted to "love." Human beings are animals. Being animals they are readily programmable. Pavlov was very accurate in his assumptions. But for some reason mankind has ignored the full impact of Pavlov's discoveries. Now that we have the analogy of the computer and the programs and subroutines used in programming, human functioning is more easily understood. If you do not know or do not recall the discoveries of Pavlov, by all means read up on them. But the workings of the modern day computer is probably enough of an analogy. Pavlov established the existence of conditioned responses in animals. He fed a group of dogs mechanically in order to eliminate variables. The lighting of a light and a ringing of a buzzer accompanied the delivery of the food. After many days of feeding the dogs in this way at the same time of the day he altered the process or 'program.' He did everything but delivering the food mechanically. The dogs had been programmed, for they salivated upon hearing the buzzer and seeing the light lit despite the fact that no actual food was delivered for consumption. This he called a conditioned response. Actually everything a person does is a result of conditioning and all day-to-day functions or dexterities are accomplished by the re-running of earlier devised programs. For instance, let's track a simple task such as consuming a glass of water. Stimulus Response Reward Let's assume you are sitting down in a chair. First you must stand. This is the first pre-devised program you re-run. You probably do not recall when it was devised, so I will refresh your memory. You were a bairn crawling upon the floor. You had seen your attendants (older humans in your personal environs) performing this feat, so you thought you might try. You stood and toppled a number of times, but eventually your body learned to balance. After you showed off this new ability you were rewarded with great emotional approval and attention. Part of this attention/ approval was accompanied by or involved touch. Touch to a bairn is the closest thing to the constant touch felt while suspended in the womb. So touch is all-desirable. So the 'drinking a glass of water' program involves smaller programs or subroutines. When you re-run any subroutine you still go through Stimulus, Response and finally Reward. There is no other way for a beast-of-the-field to accomplish simple physical dexterities. Human beings are Pavlovian Perverts. I will get to this soon enough, but I want this planted in your thoughts now. You do not have to asleepily re-run dexterities and automatically exude precious life Force during reward. Actually your present existence is merely one program re-run after another. You remain in a semi-conscious state. You need to pay less and less attention to what you are doing, for your programs are so well devised. Unfortunately all your programs are not healthy or good for you. And involuntarily flashing reward devours your life Force. Pavlovian Perverts (97% of human beings) do not realise what they do, so forgive them. After re-running the stand-and-balance-program, next the balance and walk program is performed. Yes these are just performances! Performances devised to please bairn attendants. After they rewarded you for performing such physical dexterities with touch-love, word-touch-love and later on when your eyesight improved these bairn attendants rewarded you with eye-touch-love or eye contact. It is a matter of associations. A bairn wants to be in the love of the womb. It is touched, so touch will have to do as a sort-of-womb experience. Learning to stand and balance is just that, but being so desirous of womb or redefined womb: touch or attention, the creature pretends that touch-lovers or wombers afford it/ you reward for your performances. So as you later devise new programs you perform them for the rewards given to you by your attendants, for you have become addicted to attention or false womb. Eventually your SELF replaces bairn attendants. This is done after hallucinated bairn attendants become less available. SELF is that part of you that carries on internal dialogue with your ruling self of the moment. What a can of worms. Your performers, for there exist (well virtually), as many as there were attendants in your bairnhood. Children are older than bairn. These separate and unique personalities were devised to please or interact with ones attendants. Each attendant smelled, looked, and more importantly, interacted differently with the bairn, so you devised entirely unique personalities. As you grow, less touch-love is afforded you, so you adapt. Womb becomes touch, which you associate as a reward. You then lie or redefine womb further, from being touch to being eye-touch-love and then word-touch-love. Eventually even reprimand-word-touch-love or even the more perverted fist-touch-love becomes acceptable. As you leave reality and become more and more unreal your desire for attention does not wane. Hallucinated bairn attendants replace bairn attendants. The personalities within you sense your personal environs to be peopled by familiar bairn attendants, for these personalities can only interact with familiar touch-lovers or wombers. In order to sense a familiar bairn attendant a personality must be adept at practicing selective sensory deprivation and hallucination. The basis of this self-deceit is very important. For it is the reason we are different from all the other animals on this planet. Copulation during pregnancy is the basis of both our major problem and our major enhancement. Unable to escape physically from the attack of the penis and the brutal onslaught, the foetus learns to escape. It escapes to a place out-of-present-time. It escapes to a memory of harmonious womb, a place the Druids call the Dream Keep. A keep can be both a protection and a prison. Click on the red space creature to download nonSense for just a $2.00 donation to Vly's recreation fund or $10.00 for the printable version (yellow button).

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I come from a, what you might call, a Montgomery Ward planet, not unlike your own. On your planet, the house in which the body I “walked in on” after it was murdered by the Federal Reserve Crime Syndicate resides in a prefabricated 1950’s Montgomery Ward house. To make this your (collective) planet you must take full advantage and indulge in the two gifts), otherwise this planet is slated for gutting once the 2nd stage is completed. A planet of this classification is mined in a proven way. First box of fauna sets up the reptilians and plant life to become 1) lime deposits for farming in future and 2) fossil fuels to support higher populations of miners in future. Carbon parts per million in this first stage varied between 6 to 8,000 ppm, which means plenty of food for plant-life. Whereas today only about 250-ppm carbon is food for plants – all that vulcanisation was feeding the plants to fuel an ever-growing mining population with fuels in the future. Volcanic activity in the past for years has increased CO (food for plants.) (CO is not a greenhouse substance – water vapour is). Spraying into the atmosphere the hard-to-dispose-of toxic waste that results from burning coal added to fine aluminium gives a substance to catch water droplets (a greenhouse substance). The powers-that-are got rid of the hard-to-dispose-of toxic waste known as fluoride: placed in drinking water and toothpaste. Fluoride is a by-product in smelting bauxite into aluminium. Hilariously, “they” have you drink it! FYI plain calcium (no sugar added) brushed on the teeth will whiten as it reinforces your teeth and also kills bacteria. Presently they are using coal-burning slag in their weather machine. It is highly toxic, hard to get rid of and radioactive. But with these, weather can be manipulated. Next, shut down the first box (fauna) and land the next box – the present fauna. Later came the managing mining engineers: El and then Jah. These always work under a system of, what you call slavery based in “no” programming of you Pavlovian Perverts (you creatures) planted from other planets being gutted in the 3rd Stage. This is what was used from the beginning, so the Banksters merely perfected this slavery and adapted it to an increasing number of miners. Now the dictators/ Bankers’ have many slave states to manage, which is called the “Free World” and once included the Soviet Union (an attempt of utter slavery by the Banksters. Unfortunately the mining-type slavers lost the Soviet slave state to Putin who kicked those, who murdered 32 million miners to create and maintain the Soviet slave state, out of Russia; then Putin brought in Christianity and tried to bring in a Constitutional government (The Two Gifts), but the Bankers’ Crime Syndicate is making that very difficult. NATO is the Banksters’/ Slavers’ method of extending their merciless methods. Many times in the past theocracies attempted to defeat the “no” programming such as Thailand (Buddhism), India (Hinduism), and Palestine (Judaism). Every time these were thwarted by systems of greed and other abominations. Constitutional, representative democracy and religions that change the miners from “no” programmed slaves and convert them into free and self-reliant owners of the planet failed in the “free-world” (double speak for the Banksters’ slave state, so this planet is ready to be legally gutted. Yes, you were brought here to mine this planet. Once enough resources are brought to the surface, in the endeavour to support ever-growing numbers of miners, a certain point is reached and the 3rd Stage begins: gutting by breaker ships. These resources you were brought here to surface mine are sold to finance the gutting and transport to markets of the rest of the broken up planet (4th or final stage). Mining took place on the planet that I live. Unlike you we did not squander the two gifts. Although the law affords all miners these two procedures. Religions that teach the individual self-reliance are coupled with positive loving. The Pavlovian “no” or attention-elicitment addiction of the slave (mining) mentality is replaced by real love and a love of law and God. Coupled with constitutional democratic republics, which force the participant to control his own destiny through mutual and voluntary cooperation with others: Tribal Consciousness develops, replacing the slavers’ Castle unConsciousness or Dream Keep. A Keep or Castle is both a prison and a Pavlovian protection (utter nonSense by vly skywalker). Those who read the propaganda of the Banksters know what Asleepness is all about. These Banksters sell “Soylent Green” communism to their slaves while they will live as near gods. Well, until the breakers send them and the rest of humanity into the abyss. America had the two gifts (required by mining law): a democratic republic with a Bill of Rights and Constitution that guaranteed freedom of religion. That is all gone now and has been replaced by slavery. On my planet those gifts resulted in us owning our planet. From that point the planet’s population lost the “no” Pavlovian programming (utter nonSense by vly skywalker) and a growing United Planet took place. At that point the planet was turned over to the (once miners) inhabitants. The Bankers’ Crime Syndicate destroyed your chance to own your planet: Bankers “owned” politicians and all the means of propaganda. Together they outlawed religion and replaced democratically elected representatives with owned fools (politicians) to do this and destroy the countries that were given the two gifts. So you have squandered your chance. Your chance to own this planet; you were planted upon to mine. The Bankers’ Crime Syndicate owning all means of propaganda, all media, own just enough politicians to keep the look of democracy alive in their slaves’ perspective. Presently this planet is slated for gutting. You were planted here to surface mine the top 3 miles, which when sold; finances the next stage – final gutting. The slavers/ Banksters are maintaining the status quo, so you have not taken control of the planet. You have squandered the GIFTS. The surface mining is nearing completion and next comes the breakers. The gutting is slated. Although that is not my job, so I don’t know how close this planet is to being totally mined (4th and final stage. Your bringing resources to the surface pay for the rest of the gutting process. There are a few groups that will “go to the new paradise” (translated other worlds to be mined). The Witnesses of Jah, The Mormons and the non-Semitic Jews from the UNITED STATES corporation, for they are groups well organised and based upon cooperation, which is very important to set-up a mining camp (in the promised Biblical paradise). The Jews and Mormons are representative of Babylon the Great: organised but “no” programmed, thus well programmed slaves. Only the Jehovah’s Witnesses have learned the necessary lesson for self-determination and positive non-Pavlovian: Real Love and cooperation amongst the West. Too bad they remain non-political. Buddhists, and many other religions have learned one of the two lessons, but have not been able to make use of the 2nd Gift coupled with the 1st one. Thus the gutting will begin as scheduled, for no one has instituted both gifts on this planet, thus making the right environment to Access the Force/ becoming Conscious. One without the other does not secure this planet for you, according to the off planet law of mining and acquisition. Only the use of both gifts will change “no-ing” into REAL loving (Conscious Power). These books are textbooks used by the knights of the round table. This school was started by an expatriate of the (Semitic) Jewish state by the name of Jesus: staked (not crucified) in 70 A.D. after the Romans defeated his army on the temple mound in Jerusalem. The Romans never crucified anyone in Rome’s history before Constantine. Crucifixion was invented (but never happened, for low life rapists, murderers and treasonous individuals would not warrant the expenditure of building an elaborate cross on which to execute a low-life). Bibles written after the Romans made Christianity their state religion and to legitimise their rule, invented “crucifixion,” and a new God of a trinity of Jah, his son and Jah’s Spiritual life-Force. Counter to what the Torah or Bible states, the Greek idea was adopted of the soul being eternal in this new state run religion, Christianity. Whereas the Jews and actual Christians believe “Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, and dust to dust until a Messiah comes forth and resurrects this dust and then judges the righteous and unrighteous; placing the righteous in the paradise that this Messiah will create.” A Jewish-Roman tax collector and the elites in Israel were counting on the Jews to beat the Roman and seating Jesus as Emperor. So, Jesus and Saul started a movement called Simple Judaism, for he saw the world adopting his people’s theocracy along with its superior Societal system: social, legal, economic and political. Jesus was in the line of King David and was no carpenter’s son. His wealth came from the defeat of Babylon, which is another story. The Jews opened the gates and as the Persians, etc. flowed in one way, most of the wealth flowed out another, carried by Jews. The thirds of the remaining wealth was split up among the Jews and the victorious factions without anyone being the wiser. Jesus’ and his wife’s combined dowry was (in today’s Federal Reserve debt currency) an estimated 400 billion FRN. Jesus attended Egyptian Schools. He saw himself defeating the Romans (hidden from Inquisitors in King Arthur legends – Jesus took sanctuary in England and took the name Arthur. Again Simple Judaism morphed into Christianity. It was the invention of a Jewish-Roman tax collector to manufacture a state religion to reduce the need for hugely expensive policing forces for 61 million people of as many religions. A Jewish Roman-tax-collector name of Saul invented the religion of Christendom. This is not Christianity (Witnesses of Jah). This was to be the way to control huge and varied types of people with fewer soldiers or policemen – using “the fear of god.” Saul felt that in order for his invented Christ to work its magic a few slight of hands must be used. So the falsehood of a Christ was “crucified” in 33 A.D. and he was of humble ancestry, which is prochronism: placing one time line for another. These manipulations of you miners are so as to meet the letter of the law. Religion and Constitutional government, Two Gifts training miners to become beings-in-control-of-their-own destiny – able to take ownership of this planet and make it their own. Too bad you failed. You are the same Pavlovian Perverts or Homo Robotics that you were when you were first planted here (note that is why there are no missing links in the archaeological record). The proof is in the making of the pudding. It is plain to even the most asleep Pavlovian Pervert that when 99% of the NEWS says the same thing, that it is not NEWS but rather it is “owned” and merely propaganda. Even the politicians are blatantly owned and ‘seated’ by corrupt voting manipulation (the machines have been engineered, thus). Yes, you are still slaves, thus this planet remains owned by the mining company. So. This is a planet slated-to-be-gutted. utter nonSense part I and part II merely describe a mechanical way to Access the Force: God, Jah, Allah or whatever you wish to call the Force, and control your individual destiny. Learning to lay-siege your Castle-unConsciousness and demanding fealty of your women or men-at-arms that govern your body via re-running incessantly attention eliciting Pavlovian programmes is all this text book affords. Once you balance Patience, Discipline and Understanding via acts of Will; you can fill your Grail with Consciousness, making it whole or Holy. Indulging in an “enter Champion” allows your true-self, imprisoned in your abdomen (dungeon of the Dream Keep) protected but atrophied, to emerge and demand fealty of your false yet protective personalities. As for a Constitutional democratic republic of this planet, that will require much effort by Conscious beings. The writings of vly sky walker (teachings of Jesus of Gamala / King Arthur – the school he set up while hiding in Britain from Roman authorities) will teach you, without the need for a mother-figure or daddy figure (priest or auditor or psychiatrist, etc.), to demand Conscious rule over your being, thus enabling you to fill your Grail, after resurrecting your true-self from the dungeon (gaol) of your (Castle unConsciousness or) Dream Keep (Primal Scream). You must learn to stop re-running incessantly the “love”/”no” programme – evil, in order to take over this planet from the mining company that owns it. Those of Christendom allow usury and gambling (insurance). Moslems follow the Torah and are against these. Jews of today are mostly Turkic not Semitic, so they ignore the guidance of the Torah – money and power are their god. Judaism is merely a buffer to do evil. “You are anti-Semitic” is their catch phrase as they trespass against others. That has been the case since these fake Hebrews (Actual Yiddish speaking Turks) embraced Judaism in 740 A. D. as an attempt to remain neutral in order to sell their goods and services to both antagonists in the wars between the Christians and Islam. It takes the two gifts together to change humankind’s disposition. p.s. They Want (US) Slaves to Work for Nought The foreign Bankers’ owned politicians (Biden’s Gang of good slaves) have opened the borders and kept minimum Wage far below the cost of living! Since causing the Great Depression to get US for pennies on the million $’s, as people jumped out of windows, they’ve wanted UNITED STATES (corporation) employees to work for less and less. In 1961 min. rage was set at one dollar when gasoline (a necessity) was 16 cents. $.16 into $5.00 per gallon = $31.25/ hour. If that were the case there would be no need for communist handouts from our slave-master Banksters in the City of London in the form of more social programs that go on to increase taxpayers’ debt. Keeping the workers barely scraping by and in a state of racial and class hatred keeps the slaves from being able to see the true culprit. Obama Care made your owners 3 times richer. The Banksters own all the Insurance corporations and pharma. Mandatory car insurance made them richer. Politicians pretending to pay-off student debt were PR to further sell their slave state. They want everyone to subsist in the slave state of communism. Your masters want you to queue up with your weekly ration for soylent green while their made-men and made-women eat caviar and lobster tail. No way the bankers would allow their owned politicians to reduce their take by paying off student loans. That is just more PR. Media is all owned and is controlled to keep “no-ing” alive. Racism, hatred, more hatred, racism and evil are what the Bankers want, so their slaves will not see who really runs Oz. The Wizard is a Bankster. “no”-ing is the programme you incessantly re-run. Thus programmed you are trapped in a Dream Keep: incessantly Asleep, thus malleable. Never able to Awaken, become Conscious, your fate is sealed. Let the Gutting commence.